A series of posts written by a "deadbeat dad" consisting of reasons as to why he should not pay child support

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Irrational Reasons Not To Pay Child Support

Irrational as defined by a dictionary: Not consistent with or using reason; "irrational fears"; "irrational animals".

One element in the soul is irrational and one has a rational principle-Aristotle.

If this is true then what happens to a soul that has completely lost the rational principle? It seems as if I have been dealing with such a person and I was curious so I "googled" it. Aristotle's Theory of Contrariety was the first web page listed so I clicked on it and soon realized I didn't need or want to know the answer. No matter how many papers, theories, or studies I read, I am never going to understand someone who has totally lost his "rational principle" or complete and utter lunacy nor do I want to.

What I do want to understand are the irrational reasons why a person thinks they should not help support their children.

I was recently offered answers to this question by a deadbeat dad, with so many "issues" he would make an incredible and fascinating case study for any professional. The following is the first, of many, "insightful and entertaining" posts to come:

The following post is a reason as to why a man should not pay $200.00 every two weeks for two children in child support, as explained by an irrational deadbeat:

If you think that you are a great mom being a money grubber then leave it at that. What kind of a person wants more than 200K per year for their family. It is greedy and disgusting of you to ask and I will fight that point in court. Go through the law and read it, support is at the judges discretion so remember that. If you look greedy what do you think would happen? Do you think you are going to get all of this money. I would suggest to stop this BS and get yourself a job, You are not looking, that is why. Wait til I get you in court cause you will look like a complete idiot. Anyone that would spend money on a lawyer rather than spend it on their kids is really only looking to be greedy and that is it. Why is your money for the lawyer not enough to get you through until you get a job? Because there will be no job and you know it you joke.

This "person" currently does not pay any child support and has clearly lost his "rational principle"

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